Search results for CONSTIPATION BE GONE

Below are search results for CONSTIPATION BE GONE in the shop, the remedy finder, and the forum. Remedy indications are in accordance with traditional homeopathic practice and have not been reviewed by the FDA. If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional. Minor symptoms can sometimes be a sign of a more serious underlying condition.

📖   Results for CONSTIPATION BE GONE in the Materia Medica:

Nash > Colubrina > General > general
...ding symptom in the Constipation to which Nux vomica is homoeopathic, and in my experience will then, and then only, cure. Carroll Dunham wrote over twenty-five years ago on this symptom. He said, in effect -while Nux vomica or Bryonia are equal remedies for Constipation there was never any reason for confounding them, or alternating them, as they were so different. The Nux vomica Constipation was caused by irregular peristaltic action of the intestines, hence the frequent ineffectual desire; but the Bryonia Constipation was caused by lack of secretion in ...

T.F. Allen > Chenopodium Vulvaria > General > general
Often Constipation, the bowels not acting for three or four days, and then with difficulty; the Constipation was accompanied with external piles.

T.F. Allen > Sumbulus > Rectum, Anus, Stool > stool
Diarrhoeic motions, whereas his natural habit was Constipation; however, afterwards, Constipation came on and continued several days,

Kent Lectures > Plumb > General > general
Constipation is a common and well known feature. The Constipation, colic, and abdominal symptoms are commonly associated.

T.F. Allen > Kalmia > Rectum, Anus, Stool > stool
Constipation so obstinate at this time, that the provings was discontinued for thirteen days, during which the Constipation subsided,

Boenninghausen > Serpent > Rectum, Anus, Stool > stool
Papescent, clayey, very offensive, followed by tenesmus. Constipation, flatus only is passed. Constipation alternating with diarrhoea.

Kent Lectures > Tuberculinum Bovinum > Rectum, Anus, Stool > stool
large and hard; or, Constipation alternating with diarrhoea. It is a well-known clinical fact. Constipation is a strong feature of TuBerc

T.F. Allen > Yellow Dock > Rectum, Anus, Stool > stool
Constipation (eighth day); third day of Constipation (eleventh day),

Clarke > Sulf > General > general
This ravenous hunger at 11 is often associated with other Sul. symptoms, as heat at vertex; dyspepsia; portal congestion; Constipation with ineffectual urging; piles; Constipation alternating with diarrhoea.

Boenninghausen > Bryonia Alba > Rectum, Anus, Stool > stool
Very dry, hard. Chronic Constipation. Diarrhoea, Fetid, preceded by cutting in abdomen, and Bellyache, alternating with Constipation and stomach - ache, in morning hours only.

Kent Lectures > Manganum > General > general
...There may Be periods of Constipation, interrupted with every indigestion, causing diarrhoea so that the bowels are always irregular. He is never quite safe, he has Constipation or diarrhea. As we might suppose, t...

Clarke > Lactuca Sativa > Rectum, Anus, Stool > stool
Constipation no stool first day, or else a tardy and hard evacuation (habitual Constipation diminishes).

Boericke > Stellaria > Abdomen > abdomen
Constipation or alternating Constipation and diarrhoea.

Clarke > Aluminum > General > clinical
...Catarrh. Chlorosis. Constipation. Constipation of nursing infants. Cough. Disappointments, effects of. Dysentery. Dyspepsia. Eczema. Eyes, affections of. Fissures. Fistula. Headache. Hernia. Irritation. Leucorrhoea. Locomotor ataxy. Nails, affections of. Otorrhoea. Ozaena. Paralysis. Pregnancy, Constipation of. Pregnancy, toothache of. Prosta...

Boenninghausen > Colubrina > Rectum, Anus, Stool > stool
Very scanty, blackish. Ineffectual urging to. Small, dysenteric or diarrhoeic, with tenesmus (after taking cold),. Constipation Seemingly from inactivity of intestines, chronic. Painful diarrhoea alternating with Constipation.

Clarke > Cascara Sagrada > General > general
...ell-known purgative Because it has Been found empirically curative in cases of subacute and chronic rheumatism with Constipation. Pathogenetic effects on patients taking it for Constipation have Been recorded Vomiting, severe griping...

Boericke > Foliculinum > Rectum, Anus, Stool > rectum
Rectum - Feeling of heaviness in the rectum. Chronic Constipation, sometimes alternation of Constipation and diarrhea.

Boericke > Purified Paraffin > Rectum, Anus, Stool > rectum
Obstinate Constipation in children ( Alumina; Nyctanthes.) Chronic Constipation, with hemorrhoids and continual urging to stool, without result.

Boericke > Chelidonin > Rectum, Anus, Stool > stool
Constipation; stools hard, round balls, like sheep’s dung, bright yellow, pasty; clay-colored, stools float in water; Alternation of diarrhoea and Constipation

Nash > Aluminum > General > general
...und in its peculiar Constipation. "Inactivity of the rectum, even the soft stool requires great straining." Like Bryonia, there is no desire for stool and the Constipation seems to depend upon dryness of the mucous follicles. Again it is adapted to dry, spare subjects. There are other points of resemblance Between these two remedies and they complement each other well. There are both excellent in infantile Constipation, which is often a very obstinate af...

Kent Lectures > Cal Carb > General > general
Again, it is one of the most useful medicines in old, lingering, stubborn cases of Constipation When there is only a moderate diarrhoea the stool is white; and when this Constipation is present, the stool is white, or like chalk.

Boericke > Niccolum > General > general
Periodical nervous sick headaches, with asthenopia, weak digestion, Constipation. Catarrh. Suits debilitated, nervous, literary patients, with frequent headaches, dyspepsia and Constipation.

Kent Lectures > Ferrum > General > general
... suffered long from Constipation. Chronic Constipation with ineffectual urging and hard, d...

Clarke > >Remedy shown to professional members only
Grat. 200 cured. Cooper has used it with great success in a case of gouty acidity with great Constipation; and in the Constipation of cancer.

Hahnemann > Kalium Carbonicum > General > general
Constipation. Constipation every other day.

Clarke > >Remedy shown to professional members only
... in rectal pain and Constipation. "Obstinate Constipation for years....

Kent Lectures > Arsenicum Iodide > General > general
...Very troublesome Constipation; diarrhoea alternating with Constipation; stool hard, knotty and light color...

Kent Lectures > Hydrastis > General > general
...he rectum. It cures Constipation, when the stomach symptoms agree. In old cases when enemas no longer act, when the faeces remain high up, or do not come down into rectum to excite desire, this remedy has Been of great service. In Constipation or diarrhoea with "goneness" in stomach, trembling in the a...

Clarke > >Remedy shown to professional members only
...rt, with nausea and Constipation. Throbbing frontal headaches in anaemic women, nausea, vomiting, and obstinate Constipation. The symptoms which specially indicate it in diaBetes are Intense thirst....

Boericke > Sacred Bark > General > general a palliative for Constipation (non-homeopathic), fifteen drops of fluid extract here it restores normal function by its tonic effects, but it has a wider sphere of action, as careful provings will show. Chronic indigestion, cirrhosis and jaundice. Hemorrhoids and Constipation. Gastric headache Broad, flabby ton...

Kent Lectures > Sulphuricus > General > general
...nating diarrhea and Constipation is a Podophyllum state rather than a chronic diarrhea, which is a continued state found in many remedies. The diarrhea is periodic, alternating with Constipation....

Kent Lectures > Bryonia Alba > Rectum, Anus, Stool > stool
... and rectum. It has Constipation, and it has dysentery. The pathogenesis is full of these conditions as well as many symptoms relating to the parts themselves. In the Constipation the stool is dry and hard, as if burnt. No desire for stool, but after going many days there are passages of little hard pieces as if they had Been burned....

Boericke > Collinsonia > General > general hemorrhoids and Constipation, especially in females. Depressed arterial tension, general atony of muscular fiBer. Chronic nasal, gastric, and pharyngeal catarrh, due to portal obstruction. Dropsy from cardiac disease. Pruritus in pregnancy, with piles. Constipation of children from intestinal atony. Said to Be of special value when given Before operations, for rectal diseases...

H.C. Allen > >Remedy shown to professional members only
...lence and obstinate Constipation These effects of milk were developed in the proving, especially the characteristic headache and Constipation, and have Been clinically verified It is also well to rememBer that it develops or aggravates the uric acid diathesis, thus increasing the rheumatic tendency, while the thirst and polyuria should call our attention to it as a remedy to study in diaBetes...

Clarke > Acid Nit > General > general
...nts who suffer from Constipation. In my experience this is absolutely wrong. Constipation, as the symptoms of the Schema woul...

Clarke > Collinsonia > General > general
...s more persistently Constipation, with colic on account of it. AEsc. may have Constipation or may not. Collins. has shown mark...

Boericke > Aesculus Hip > General > general
...h absence of actual Constipation. Much pain but little bleeding. Venous stasis general, varicose veins of purple color; everything is slowed down, digestion, heart, bowels, etc. Torpor and congestion of the liver and portal system, with Constipation. The back aches and gives out and u...

Clarke > Fel > General > characteristics
...ered from obstinate Constipation, and was taken with severe attacks of colic. The pains seemed to extend all through the abdomen, and always came on at night. The man was not making any progress, when one day he remarked to Nash, "Doctor, if I could only keep awake I would never have another attack." And in response to an inquiring look from the doctor, he added, "I mean that I sleep into the attack and waken in it." He never had another. One dose of Lach. 200 cured the colic and the Constipation too. "Sleeps into an aggravation;" ...

Clarke > The Gonorrhoeal Virus > General > general
...s rarely if ever to Be given in the acute stages of a disease. In general motion agg., rest amel. Lying on face or stomach amel. cough. Stretching out agg. Leaning head forward agg. Leaning far back amel. Constipation can only pass stool so. (I cured with Medorrh. 200 a most aggravated case of Constipation on this indication. The patient said he was obliged to lean far back on the seat or he could not get rid of the stool. He was passing urine containing long white mucous shreds. Many years Before he had had gonorrhoea.) There i...

Nash > Colubrina > General > general
...tom is found not in Constipation alone. It is always present in dysentry. The stools, though very frequently consisting of slimy mucus and blood, are very small and unsatisfactory. Dr.P.P. Wells pointed out the very reliable additional symptom for Nux vomica in dysentry -that the pains were very greatly relieved for a short time after every stool. This is not so with Mercury, but the pain and tenesmus continue after the stool, as it is sometimes well expressed as "a never-get-done" feeling. But it makes little difference whether the patient is afflicted with Constipation, dysentry, diarrhoea or other disea...

Clarke > Mandragora Officinarum > General > clinical

T.F. Allen > Ailanth > Abdomen > stomach

Clarke > Nabalus > General > clinical
Constipation. Ophthalmia.

Clarke > Tannin > General > clinical
Constipation. Ileus.

T.F. Allen > Plumb > Abdomen > hypochondria
Severe tormina and Constipation,

Clarke > Pinus Lambertiana > General > clinical
Abortion. Amenorrhoea. Constipation.

Clarke > Iodinum > Abdomen > stomach
Gastric derangement with Constipation.

T.F. Allen > Plumb > Abdomen > hypochondria
Colic, with diarrhoea, followed by Constipation,

Clarke > Zincum Iodatum > General > clinical
Constipation. Cough. Phthisis.

T.F. Allen > Merc. Viv > Abdomen > hypochondria
Flatulent colic, with Constipation,

Boericke > Cann > Genitals Etc > urine
Retained, with obstinate Constipation

T.F. Allen > Rhus Toxicodedron > Abdomen > stomach
Loss of appetite with the Constipation,

T.F. Allen > Hyoscyamus > Modalities Etc > appetite
Most violent hiccough, with Constipation,

Boenninghausen > Plumb > Abdomen > vomiting
Fecal vomit, with colic and Constipation..

Clarke > Musa > General > clinical
Constipation. Cystitis. Haemorrhoids (bleeding).

T.F. Allen > Acidum Salicylicum > Appendix > authorities
It has a slight tendency to produce Constipation,

Hering > Sepia Officinalis > Genitals Etc > female
Prolapsus of the uterus; of the vagina; with Constipation.

T.F. Allen > Piper Cubeba > Abdomen > hypochondria
Inflammation and swelling of the bowels, with Constipation.

Clarke > Merc Dulc > General > general
...e of disasters. For Constipation and any affection which could Be ascriBed to the liver, blue pill was at one time about the only recognised remedy. Some homoeopaths have adopted a modification of this by prescribing Merc. dulc. 1x in two- or three-grain doses as a direct purgative. But as Merc. dulc. has caused both Constipation and diarrhoea, it is probable that ...

Nash > Hydrastis > General > general
...a very weak, faint, gone feeling in the epigastrium." The stomach is sometimes actually sunken (objectively). There are two other remedies that have this symptom to a degree almost equal, viz., Sepia and Ignatia, but Sepia is generally in connection with uterine affections while Ignatia is purely nervous. Hydrastis is a good remedy for chronic Constipation. E. M. Hale taught that it must Be used in tincture or very low dilution. I have found it most efficacious in the 200th. (B. & T.). I once cured a case that was of years' standing, had worn cathartics out, and all the way she could live (her words) was to swallow a spoonful of whole flaxseed with every meal. I have used it in infantile Constipation successfully, and it is almost useful when all other symptoms aside from the Constipation are conspicuous for their absence. ...

Hering > Aluminum > Fever And Chill > stages and states
Constipation of sucklings.

T.F. Allen > Cuprum Metallicumlicum > Abdomen > hypochondria
Colic, attended with slight Constipation,

Clarke > Iris V > Head > headache
Recurrent sick headaches with Constipation.

Clarke > Dictamnus > General > clinical
Constipation. Flatulence. Leucorrhoea. Metrorrhagia.

Hering > Mag M > Mouth > teeth
Slow dentition, with distended abdomen and Constipation.

T.F. Allen > Plumb > Abdomen > hypochondria
Suffered from violent colic, with obstinate Constipation,

Hahnemann > Magnesium Carbonicum > Abdomen > vomiting
Sick and inclined to vomit, with Constipation for three days.

T.F. Allen > Robinia > Abdomen > hypochondria
Excessive colic, with contraction of the bowels and Constipation.

Boericke > Magnesia Phos > Abdomen > flatus
Constipation in rheumatic subjects due to flatulence and indigestion.

T.F. Allen > Plumb > Abdomen > hypochondria
Intolerable pains about the navel, followed by very obstinate Constipation,

Boericke > Magnesium Carbonicum > General > general
... in people who have Been taking this drug to sweeten the stomach. Is frequently indicated in children; whole body smells sour, and disposed to boils. Broken-down, “worn-out” women, with uterine and climacteric disorders. With numbness and distention in various parts and nerve prostration. Sensitive to the least start, noise, touch, etc. Affections of the antrum of Highmore. Effects of shock, blows, mental distress. Sense of numbness; nerve prostration; tendency to Constipation after nervous strain; Sensitive to least touch, it causes starting, or cold winds or weather or from excess of care and worry with Constipation and heaviness. Intense neuralgic pa...

Hering > Cal Phos > Fever And Chill > stages and states
Old people, vertigo; Constipation.

Hering > Antim Crud > Fever And Chill > stages and states
Old people alternate diarrhoea and Constipation.

Hahnemann > Anacardium > Generalities > sleep and dreams
Diarrhoea at night and subsequently Constipation.

T.F. Allen > >Remedy shown to professional members only
Fever with typhoid character and great Constipation.

Clarke > Podophyllinum > Chest > respiration
Whooping-cough, with Constipation and loss of appetite.

T.F. Allen > Strychninum Purum > Abdomen > hypochondria
Griping pains in the bowels and Constipation (fourth day),

T.F. Allen > Opium > Abdomen > nausea and vomiting
Feeling of constriction in the stomach, with Constipation,

T.F. Allen > Thuya Occidentalis > Abdomen > flatus
Shifting of flatulence with Constipation (twenty-sixth day),

Clarke > H2so3 > Relationships > antidotes
Antidoted by Hydrast. (Constipation).

Clarke > Rhamnus Catharticus > General > clinical
Appendicitis. Colic. Constipation. Diarrhoea. Tympanites. Typhlitis.

T.F. Allen > Aloes > Abdomen > stomach
Loss of appetite and dyspepsia, with coexisting Constipation (N. N.).

Clarke > Sepia Officinalis > Chest > respiration
Cough excited by a tickling sensation, and accompanied by Constipation.

Clarke > Lycopod > Genitals Etc > urine
Emission of blood instead of water, sometimes with paralysis of the legs, and Constipation.

Hering > Staphisagria > Generalities > temperature and weather
Tertian fever, with symptoms of scurvy; Constipation.

Hering > Aluminum > Fever And Chill > stages and states
Infancy Constipation, especially when artificial food is used.

Clarke > Amphisbena > General > clinical
Constipation. Cramps. Headache. Hernia. Jaw, pains in. Toothache.

Boericke > Hydrastis > Head > headache
Dull, pressing frontal pain, especially connected with Constipation

Clarke > Sea Water > General > clinical
Biliousness. Constipation. Headache. Sea-sickness. Seaside, effects of.

Clarke > Natrium Nitricum > General > clinical
Anaemia. Constipation. Debility. Distension. Flatulence. Otalgia. Otitis.

T.F. Allen > Rhus Toxicodedron > Head > headache
Dull pain in the right side of the occiput with Constipation (seventh day),

Clarke > Franzensbad > General > clinical
Chlorosis. Constipation. Debility. Diarrhoea. Dyspepsia. Nervous derangement.

Clarke > Mezer > Mouth > gums and teeth
Ebullition of blood to the head, shiverings and Constipation, during toothache.

Clarke > Purified Paraffin > General > general
...ubles, particularly Constipation. I have recorded (H. W., xxvi. 319) this case Mrs. W., 37, mother of three children, suffered since last confinement, five years Before, with Bearing-down pains, excessive menses, leucorrhoea, constant and violent indigestion with morning retching or vomiting. Pain in back, shoulders, and abdomen after any food, however light. The pains, which "double her up," are agg. on standing. Much thirst. Constipation with piles. Constant desire to pass...

Clarke > Acidum Gallicum > General > clinical
Asthma. Constipation. Debility. Delirium. Haemorrhages. Phthisis. Urticaria.

Boericke > Vespa Vulgaris > Genitals Etc > menses
Female; Menstruation, preceded by depression, pain, pressure, and Constipation

Clarke > Azadirachta Indica > General > clinical
Constipation. Diarrhoea. Intermittent fever. Quinine, effects of. Spleen, congested.

T.F. Allen > Belladona > Abdomen > hypochondria
Meteorism of the Belly, with Constipation, in one case subsiding and recurring with the delirium,

Hering > Merc. Viv > Genitals Etc > male
Pollutions, sperm mixed with blood, chilliness; sallow face; Constipation.

Clarke > Fel Tauri > General > clinical
Asthma. Constipation. Diarrhoea. Gall-stones. Headache. Indigestion. Rheumatism.

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